The Sacrifice of Isaac; Andrea MANTEGNA; 1495; oil on canvas; Kunsthistorisches Museum; Vienna, Austria.
The sacrifice of Abraham
To understand
Abraham is about to stab his son Isaac. The man’s arm is held back by God’s hand or by an angel who asks him not to kill the child.
Abraham is always a bearded old man who lifts up his knife in his right hand but his eyes are attracted by God represented by a hand or more often by an angel. The latter can also hold back the arm of Abraham who is about to kill his son.
Isaac is portrayed either as a child or an adolescent. He is standing, squatting or lying on an altar of stone or on a woodpile; he is often tied up and always held by his father’s left hand.
A sheep or a ram is more or less visible; here it is already on the altar of the sacrifice but often it is simply painted close by, sometimes with its horns caught in a bush. It is the beast that will be sacrificed in Isaac’s place.
As the name associated with the word sacrifice can designate either the one who sacrifices or the one who is sacrified, the scene is called The Sacrifice of Abraham or The Sacrifice of Isaac, the former being more frequent.
Not be confused with
The Sacrifice of Iphigenia; Jean Bernard RESTOUT; c. 1760 ; oil on canvas; Musée Georges de LA TOUR, Vic-sur-Seille, France.
Outside the Bible: The sacrifice of IphigeniaThe sacrifice of Isaac can be compared to that of Iphigenia, a story in Greek mythology. But there are many differences. In the Greek myth, the sacrifice has a precise object: to obtain a favourable wind, whereas, in the Bible, Abraham obeys an order from God in whom he has absolute confidence and faith.
The biblical narrative
The Book of Genesis, chapter 22
In spite of their old age, Abraham and Sarah have had a son, Isaac, the son of the Promise. The son has grown but God puts Abraham to the test. He asks him to offer his son as a sacrifice. Abraham goes with Isaac and some servants and, having arrived at the foot or the mountain God has indicated to him, father and son climb up alone with some wood for the fire of the offering.
"And they came to the place which God had told him about; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son."
And the angel of God stops him and says:"Do not lay your hand upon the lad, neither do any thing to him: for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld thy son, your only son, from me." (Genesis 22:9-12)
And Abraham beholds a ram that he offers as a sacrifice in his son’s place.
Abraham is the father of all believers. God has promised a numerous offspring. See Abraham and the three visitors
The birth of Isaac fulfils this promise though the order for the sacrifice seems to deny it. And Abraham, whose confidence in God is absolute, obeys. But God does not wish the death of the child; he simply wanted to try Abraham.
If, for Jews, Abraham’s sacrifice represents the absolute submission to the will of God, Christians have seen in it the announcement or the prefiguration of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the innocent victim, the Lamb of God accepting death with submission and confidence in God.
See similar pictures
Further developments
The interdict of human sacrificesThis scene is one of the most famous in the Bible, for it is at the origin of one of the most important interdicts in our civilisation; that of human sacrifices. In some antique civilisations and, in particular, in the regions of the Middle-East where Abraham lived, it was customary to offer the first-born child to the gods; that is to say to cut his throat on an altar, then to burn his body as was done with the other animals. Thus one can better understand why Abraham agreed to sacrifice Isaac without expressing any surprise. But the God of Abraham is not like those of his neighbours; he holds back his arm and asks him to offer a sheep. The narrative, supported by the picture, is the foundation of the interdict of all human sacrifices for the “children of Abraham”, that is to say for three religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This interdict has not always been respected but it has made it possible to denounce those who ignore it.
Aid el KebirAbraham’s sacrifice is also recognized by Muslims who still celebrate this event by sacrificing a sheep; this is Aid-el-Kebir or the great Feast of Sacrifices.
But for many Muslims, Abraham did not sacrifice Isaac but Ishmael, the son he had had before Isaac with his servant Hagar for his wife Sarah was sterile. According to the tradition, Ishmael is the ancestor of the Arabs.